Componente microfungina lipolitica e termofila in compost


Composting is a valid valuable strategy to treat lipid-rich wastes, due to the rapid development of a thermophilic phase during which the lipids become more accessible to microorganisms and their lipases. In the present study the thermophilic microfungal component of compost of different origin was evaluated. Furthermore, the lipolytic activity of the strains was estimated using agar plates containing lipid substrates. 19 microfungal strains were detected, with thermotolerant species being dominant, followed by strictly thermophilic species. All the isolates, except Paecilomyces variotii, showed lipolytic activity, in a variable extent depending on the substrates and, for some of these, also according to the incubation temperature. In particular Malbranchea cinnamomea, Mortierella sp., Sepedonium sp. and two Thermomyces lanuginosus strains, degraded all the substrates considered. The introduction or the enrichment of these lipolytic microorganisms in the composting process of lipid-rich wastes could be of great utility considering also the flexibility of some of these in relation to temperature

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