Nemo pfofita in patria: Trudnyi put' italianskoi politicheskoi nauki k obshestvennomu vliyaniu


The paper aims to discuss the current public image of political science in a country with a strong tradition in political discourse , where the empirical study of politics has been present since the end of XIX century if not longer , when the Italian elitist school paved the way for a new direction political science . Over the past two decades, political scientists have had the chance to reverse their scarse visibility, and have clearly attempted to take advantage of the new demand for change from within Italian society, by trying to achieve greater visibility outside the ac ademic community and to play a stronger role in public debate. What our analysis reveals is that, notwithstanding the institutionalization of the subject with in university curricula , and the relative ly promising level of internationalisation of research, t he \u201cpolitical\u201d and \u201csocial\u201d role s of Italian political s cience continue to be of a substantially limited entit

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