Materials for Hydrogen Storage: Low temperature Structural Transformation in Pillared 2D Solids, T[Ni(CN)4].2pyz, T =Mn, Zn, Cd


The incorporation of pillars in 2D solids allows the preparation of 3D porous materials with tailored cavity size and shape. In this sense, planar coordination polymers based on tetracyanometallates, T[M(CN)4] with T = Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd; M = Ni, Pd, Pt, appear as an ideal prototype of 2D solids to be considered. The metal centers at their surface contain available coordination sites which can be used as anchoring positions for the ligands to be used as pillars. Under certain preparative conditions, a fraction of the available metal coordination sites could be maintained free of ligands to allow their interaction with the guest molecule within the cavities. Such possibility provides an ideal system of porous 3D solids for studies related with the hydrogen storage in nanocavities; in fact, two studies in that sense has already been reported [1, 2]. All the studies related with the hydrogen storage in porous solids are carried out under cryogenic conditions, usually at 77 K. For some cyanometallates negative thermal expansion behavior has been reported [3], which could be interpreted as evidence of charge redistribution within the T-N-CM- C-N-T chain on the temperature change, particularly under cryogenic conditions. This suggests that in 2D pillared solids low temperature structural transformation could be present, particularly for pillars of certain flexibility and where the electronic structure of layers and pillars remains strongly coupled. Such possibility is explored in this contribution. As prototype of pillared 2D solids T[Ni(CN)4].2pyz, with pyz = Pyrazine were used

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