Operational Experience with the TRIGA Mark II Reactor of the University of Pavia


The Laboratory of Applied Nuclear Energy (LENA) is an Interdepartmental Research Centre of the University of Pavia which operate a 250 kW TRIGA Mark II Research Nuclear Reactor, a Cyclotron for the production of radioisotopes and other sources of ionizing radiations. The reactor is in operation since 1965 and many home-made upgrading were realized in the past years in order to assure a continuous operation of the reactor for the future. The annual reactor operational time at nominal power is in the range of 300 - 400 hours depending upon the time schedule of some experiments and research activities. The reactor is mainly used for NAA activities, BNCT research, samples irradiation and training. In specific, few tens of hours of reactor operation per year are dedicated to training courses for University students and for professionals. Besides the LENA Centre hosts every year in visit more than one thousand high school students. Lately, LENA was certified ISO 9001:2008 for the "operation and maintenance of the reactor" and for the "design and delivery of the irradiation service". Nowadays the reactor shows a good technical state and, at the moment, there are no political or economical reason to consider the reactor shut-down

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