The psycholinguistic characteristics of young Indian and Métis students in northern Saskatchewan schools


The Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic Abilities was administered to twenty-one females and twenty-seven males seven years of age. Eight of these Indian and Metis females and nine of the males attended a rural school, while seven females and eight males attended classes in residential schools. The remaining six females and ten males went to school in a city. Profiles of differential abilities were made for each sex and school type. When the sub-tests were averaged according to the value of the mean scaled scores obtained by the total group, the ascending order was auditory association, grammatic closure, verbal expression, auditory closure, auditory decode, visual association, verbal decode, auditory memory, manual expression, visual closure, sound blending and visual memory. No significant differences existed between the males and the females. The urban school students performance on the Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic Abilities was superior to the performance of rural and residential school students

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