Roadmap of the European Technology Platform for Advanced Engineering Materials and Technologies


The main practical policy objective of EuMaT is to assure optimum involvement of industry and other important stakeholders in the process of establishing European R&D priorities in the area of advanced engineering materials and technologies. EuMaT should improve coherence in existing and forthcoming EU projects, and introduce \u201cRadical Changes\u201d and assure \u201cSustainable Development\u201d in the sector of advanced engineering materials and related technologies. EuMaT covers all elements of the life cycle of \u201cAdvanced Engineering Materials & Technologies\u201d (AEMT). The term AEMT refers in EuMaT to the three pillars 1. multifunctional materials, 2. Materials for extreme conditions 3. Hybrid & Multimaterials as used in engineering (and, e.g., coupled with \u201cconventional\u201d structural materials like steel, aluminum, titanium, metallic alloys, composites, polymers, advanced ceramics, coatings, adhesives, concrete, \u2026) and/or used to enhance the engineering products, systems and processes in areas like energy, gas & oil, chemical, space, transportation, electronics, environment, health, etc. EuMaT covers the lifecycle of lightweight materials and nanomaterials in engineering components/ applications/systems. In particular it clearly points out the link toward large European projects like KMM-NoE ( and Extremat (, in which advanced engineering materials like intermetallics, metal ceramic composites, functionally graded materials, self-passivating protection materials, radiation resistant materials and heat sink materials and high-temperature materials are investigated. The examples of advanced new products directly enabled by the progress in the area of advanced engineering materials are, e.g., gas and steam turbines (for 1600 \ubaC and 800 \ubaC respectively, ITER reactor or the \u201cThird Millennium Car\u201d). The advanced engineering materials will have a similar impact in the area of manufacturing (cf. the MANUFUTURE Technology platform)

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