Soft-bottom benthic macromollusks of the continental shelf off jalisco and colima, Mexico [Macromoluscos bentonicos de fondos blandos de la plataforma continental de jalisco y colima, Mxico]


Mollusks collected from soft bottoms of the continental shelf off Jalisco and Colima were analyzed. Three cruises were made during one year (1995-1996) on board the ship BIP-V. The samples were taken during half-hour trawls, in seven different localities at four different depths (20, 40, 60, 80 m). A checklist is presented that contains 92 species of mollusks, belonging to 3 classes (Gastropoda, Bivalvia and Cephalopoda) and 37 families. Five new records are obtained for Nassarius guaymasensis, Latirus mediamericanus, Chicoreus (Phyllonotus) peratus, Hexaplex nigritus and Polymesoda (Egeta) inflata, which are range extensions

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