Ionospheric response during low and high solar activity


We analyse solar extreme ultraviolet (EUV) irradiance observed by the Solar EUV Experiment (SEE) onboard the Thermosphere Ionosphere Mesosphere Energetics and Dynamics (TIMED) satellite, and solar proxies (the F10.7 index, and Mg-II index), and compare their variability with the one of the global mean Total Electron Content (GTEC). Cross-wavelet analysis confirms the joint 27 days periodicity in GTEC and solar proxies. We focus on a comparison for solar minimum (2007-2009) and maximum (2013-2015) and find significant differences in the correlation during low and high solar activity years. GTEC is delayed by approximately 1-2 days in comparison to solar proxies during both low and high solar activity at the 27 days solar rotation period. To investigate the dynamics of the delay process, Coupled Thermosphere Ionosphere Plasmasphere electrodynamics model simulations have been performed for low and high solar activity conditions. Preliminary results using cross correlation analysis show an ionospheric delay of 1 day in GTEC with respect to the F10.7 index during low and high solar activity.Wir analysieren vom Solar Extreme Ultraviolet Experiment (SEE) an Bord des Thermosphere-Ionosphere-Mesosphere Energetics and Dynamics (TIMED) Satelliten gemessene solare EUV-Irradianzen, solare Proxies (den F10.7-Index und denMg-II-Index), und vergleichen deren Variabilität mit derjenigen des global gemittelten Gesamtelektronengehalts (GTEC). Kreuzwaveletanalysen bestätigen eine gemeinsame Variabilität im Periodenbereich der solaren Rotation (27 Tage). Wir vergleichen insbesondere den Zusammenhang während des solaren Minimums (2007- 2009) und Maximums (2013-2015), wobei signifikante Unterschiede der Korrelation zwischen solaren und ionosphärischen Parametern auftreten. Es tritt eine Verzögerung der Maxima und Minima von GTEC gegenüber denjenigen der solaren Proxies von einem Tag sowohl im solaren Minimum als auch im solaren Maximum auf

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