Influenza di precedenti ricostruzioni dell'asse iliacofemorale sulla pervietà del by pass femorofemorale.


A series of 40 femoro-femoral by-pass grafts (FFBG) is presented; these operations were performed from 1978 to 1987 and the follow-up ranged between 6 and 36 months. The subjects were divided retrospectively into two groups, to evaluate the effect of prior iliofemoral reconstructive operations on the long-term patency of the FFBGs. Thirty-four patients (group A) had no previous surgery and 15 (group B) had 23 previous femoral surgical reconstructions. At operation, 34 recipient deep femoral arteries underwent adjunctive TEA (24 out of group A; 10 out of group B) as well as 9 donor limb deep femoral arteries (all out of group A). No donor limb steal phenomenon was recorded in both groups. FFBG occlusion occurred without any statistically significant differences in the groups (A 12%, B 20%) and only in one case a thigh amputation was needed (group B)

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