Gillnet catch composition in Bahia de Navidad, Jalisco, Mexico [Composicion especifica de la captura con redes de enmalle en Bahia de Navidad, Jalisco, Mexico]


Catch composition and species relative importance (in weight and number of individuals) was analyzed from catch surveys using gillnets in Bahia Navidad, on the central Pacific coast of Mexico. Catch was sampled monthly from April 1994 to March 1995. Seventy five species were found, but most of them during a short period; fifty five during six months or less, and 29 in three months or less. Most species represent less than 2% of total catch in weight and numbers; ten species were dominant, the most important being Microlepidotus brevipinnis (26.5% in number, 18.5% in weight), Lutjanus guttatus (11.5% and 9.3%), Haemulon flaviguttatum (9.7% and 7.0%) and Caranx caballus (8.2% and 10.2%). A group of 16 species were present in more than eight months and were considered as the basis of the fish species association accessible to gillnets in the study area

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