Effects of meditation on brain electrical activity [Efectos de la MeditaciZapotitlánn sobre la Actividad Eléctrica Cerebral]


The aim of this work was to study the changes on different parameters of brain electrical activity (EEG) produced by a 4 moth Autoallusive meditation training during two experimental conditions, rest and concentration in respiration, in nonexperienced subjects. EEG of 8 meditation trained (EG) and 8 control (CG) subjects was recorded during rest (BL) and during concentration on respiration before and after the training. In the EG vs CG: absolute power decreased, alpha2 relative power increased during concentration and alpha2 interhemispheric correlation increased during BL, from pre to post-training. In both groups: alpha1 relative power increased on BL on the post-training; alpha2 interhemispheric correlation was higher during concentration. Changes in the experimental group could be interpreted as a higher alert and more relaxed state, with higher functional sinchronization between cerebral hemispheres, produced by meditation training

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