Factors affecting the phytotoxicity and persistence of Group 2 herbicides in prairie soils


Non-Peer ReviewedAdvantages of Group 2 herbicides include low use rates, broad spectrum weed control and low mammalian toxicity. However,Group 2 herbicides often persist in soil and cause damage to subsequent crops in rotation. Phytotoxicity and persistence are the two parameters that determine the potential damage that could occur from these herbicides. These parameters are affected by soil properties, both chemical and physical, and by environmental factors. Phytotoxicity is often increased and persistence extended by low soil organic matter contents. If the compound is susceptible to hydrolysis, low pH can cause increased rates of dissipation due to this chemical process. Microbial activity and the environmental factors that influence decomposition also play a large role. Increased moisture and temperature typically result in increased microbial activity and decreased persistence. Identifying the factors which are most influential in the phytotoxicity and persistence of Group 2 herbicides is important in managing crop rotations and reducing potential for crop damage

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