Improved inoculants for lentil


Non-Peer ReviewedThe effectiveness of the available commercial inoculants for lentil, Rhizogen, Enftx-L (Esso), Nitragin 'C', and Grip (Inotec) were compared with three inoculants which contained the rhizobia strains of 99A1, ICAR 20, and 92A3. Lentil inoculated with a sterile inoculant was used as the control. Total dry matter, total grain yield, percent total N and total N was determined At seven sites, an average grain yield for lentil was observed whereas for two sites yield was below average. Inoculant containing 99A1 and ICAR 20 an overall increase in grain yield by 14 % as compared with Nitragin 'C', strain 99A3 with 9 %, and Enftx-L with 7 %. The average grain yield of all nine sites for lentil inoculated with Grip and Rhizogen showed an insignificant decrease of 2 and 3 % as compared with lentil inoculated with Nitragin 'C'

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