Proceedings of the Miniworkshop "Electromagnetic Radiation off Colliding Hadron Systems: Dileptons and Bremsstrahlung"


Since several years various groups of the Institute of Nuclear und Hadron Physics at Forschungszentrurn Rossendorf (FZR) are involved in medium energy physics projects where electromagnetic signals play a role: (i) pp bremsstrahlung experiments at COSY-ToF have been proposed by a group from Dresden with FZR participation, and a large part of the ToF detector system has been built in Rossendorf. (ii) The FZR is presently building one of the large wire chamber planes for the HADES detector at GSI and is also actively taking part in the HADES commissioning. (iii) The theory group here at Rossendorf is working in the field of dilepton production and other electromagnetic processes. To discuss the research in these fields with colleagues from other places and to coordinate the efforts this mini-workshop was organized. The idea was to discuss the results of the experiments at different accelerators, the status of the calculations and the plans for future investigations. Besides bremsstrahlung special emphasis will be on dielectron production; other processes with electromagnetic signals (like vector-meson production) have also been discussed

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