Senovinių pigmentų tapybos kūriniuose ir archeologinio stiklo radiniuose tyrimas ir apibūdinimas


In this dissertation, the results of detailed investigation of the seven unique art objects are presented. The presented results show that complex apllying of the instrumental analytical methods of OM, FTIR, SEM/EDX, XRD, μXRD and µRS is accurate and efficient way to identify composition of works of art and archaeological finds of glass, pigments or describe their technology. IR spectroscopy has been successfully applied to determine pigments and some pigment mixtures in painting‘s ground, paint layers, and destruction products in archaeological glass. The SEM/EDX analysis successfully can be used in determining the main elements of the paint samples at different cross-section points perform a qualitative analysis of the pigments (cinnabar, lead white, chalk, smalt et. al. ), in some cases, to discuss the features of the production of pigments. The SEM/EDX provided a possibility to examine three archaeological glass beads. According to the elemental composition, microstructure, and the specific features in different areas of the glass was defined nature of the destruction of glass. XRD and μXRD analysis successfully can be used in determining the crystalline phases in the paint and archaeological glass samples. Identify following pigments and their mixtures: calcite CaCO3, carbon, lead tin yellow type I Pb2SnO4, lead tin yellow type II PbSn03, hydrocerussite 2PbCO3 ∙ Pb (OH)2, cerussite PbCO3, Egyptian blue CaCuSi4O10, gypsum CaSO4 ∙ 2H2O, anhydrite CaSO4, huntite Mg3Ca(CO3)4, dolomite CaMg(CO3)2. For the first time µRS was applied to determine lead tin yellow type II pigment in archaeological glass

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