Rhizobacterial influence on healthy stand establishment of canola grown in Rhizoctonia solani infested fields of Saskatchewan


Non-Peer ReviewedPre-emergence seedling damping-off, seedling blight, and brown girdling root rot caused by R. solani are important diseases of canola/rape seed in western Canada. Annual yield losses in excess of 20-30% have been reported in several infected fields. Cultural control methods or resistant cultivars are currently unavailable for these diseases. Chemical fungicides have been developed for use to control the disease, but the success rate has been varied. However, the use of chemicals is becoming less acceptable from an environmental point of view. Several studies indicated that biological control using plant growth promoting rhizobacteria may also be effective in controlling R. solani. Field plots were established in Saskatoon, Regina and Melfort, SK, in 1990, 1991 and 1992 to evaluate the potential of rhizobacterial strains as seed treatments to increase the healthy stand of canola CV. Westar grown in R. solani infested field. The bacteria were formulated either in sterile peat or in a liquid carrier and applied to seed just before planting. Bacterized seed were mechanically planted in replicated field plots artificially infested with R. solani. Final healthy stand was measured 30 days after planting. Grain yields were determined by harvesting the plots. Seed bacterization significantly increased the final healthy stand compared to non-bacterized controls. Strains which increased stand showed in vitro antagonistic activity to not only R. solani but also other pathogens such as Pythium ultimum, Fusarium solani and F. oxysporum. Some of these strains induced root elongation of canola under laboratory conditions. Rhizosphere colonization, chemical compatibility and shelf-life of the important bacteria will be discussed

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