Determination of hydrophobicity index: standard and mini disk infiltrometers


Non-Peer ReviewedSoil hydrophobicity drastically impacts water infiltration, retention and transport. Hydrophobicity index, a ratio of the sorptivity of water to ethanol, is a common measure of soil hydrophobicity. The sorptivity may be measured using the disk infiltrometer. The standard disk infiltrometer is large, cumbersome and expensive while the mini disk infiltrometer is compact and readily accessible. The objective of this study was to determine if the mini disk infiltrometer is comparable to the standard disk infiltrometer as a means of analyzing the soil hydrophobicity index. The soil hydrophobicity index was calculated from the sorptivities of water and ethanol as determined by both infiltrometer methods. Results indicate no statistical difference between soil hydrophobicity indices calculated from the standard and mini disk infiltrometer methods

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