Temperature trends in the semiarid prairie of southwestern Saskatchewan


Non-Peer ReviewedPreviously, we had analyzed long-term weather data (from 1950 to 1997) to study the annual as well as seasonal change in air temperature within an approximately 15000 km2 area in the semiarid prairie near Swift Current, SK (Cutforth et al. 1999; Cutforth 2000). We found that the average annual maximum (Tmx) and minimum (Tmn) air temperatures had increased linearly with year. Seasonally, we found that the average Tmx and Tmn for January through April (JFMA) had also increased linearly from 1950 to 1997, as had the average Tmn for May through August. Average air temperatures for September through December (SOND) did not change with year. Generally, JFMA experienced the largest warming trend between 1950 and 1997, whereas temperatures during SOND did not change with year

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