Examining The Potential For Vitamin D Deficiency In Young Saudi Women Living In Canada: A Qualitative Study


More than a billion people worldwide suffer from vitamin D deficiency or insufficiency. Canada, which has a long winter and high latitude, has a high rate of vitamin D deficiency. The Middle East also, in particular Saudi Arabia, has one of the highest rates of vitamin D deficiency in the world. The purpose of this research was determining the knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) concerning vitamin D of young Saudi women living in Canada. Health professionals with experience in both Canada and Saudi Arabia acted as key informants. This research assessed topics related to knowledge of vitamin D sources (supplementation, fortification, and exposure to the sun), attitudes regarding the importance of vitamin D, and practices indicating whether knowledge and attitudes were being implemented or not. The study was conducted in Canada. Eight Saudi women between the ages of 18- 45 y and 10 health professionals including physicians, nutritionists and nurses were recruited. Results showed that Saudi women had limited awareness of vitamin D deficiency and lacked motivation to use supplements. They also had limited sun exposure due to environmental and cultural reasons. The health professionals recommended that Saudi women increase their awareness of the risk of vitamin D deficiency and the importance of using vitamin D supplements. Recommendations for more research about Saudi women living in northern locations such as Canada are presented

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