Hubungan Presepsi Terhadap Iklan di Televisi dengan Perilaku Swamedikasi Pelajar SMU Negeri di Surabaya


The practice of self medication is the most common form of health seeking behavior in the community. Most of them got information about over the counter drugs for self medication from drugs advertising on television. The aim of this study was to measure the correlation between drug advertising and self medication behavior and to obtain description of proper self medication behavior in the community. Data were collected by questionaires from 254 respondents. It was conducted in 2004. The sampling method used was stratified random sampling. Respondents were high school students in Surabaya who ever had headache, taking medicine by they own decision, and getting information by the drug advertising on television. The Dependent variable of this study is the perception of respondents to the drug advertising on television and the Independent variable is self medication behavior. These two variables were correlated with Product Moment coefficients. This study found that drug advertising on television had influences the self medication behavior among teenagers while description of proper self medication as follows: a) 57,9% of respondents practiced proper self medication. b) the indicator of self medication behavior that influenced by advertising was the compliance of respondents to follow the direction of used of the drugs

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