Grammar Learning Strategies Used By English Good Achievers: A Case Study At Seventh Grade Students Of SMP N 4 Surakarta


The aim of this research was to describe the metacognitive grammar learning strategies, cognitive grammar learning strategies, and socioaffective grammar learning strategies used by good achievers of junior high school. This research tried to explore how the realization of the strategies used in practice. This study was a case study with a qualitative method. The data in this study were in the form of information about learning strategies obtained from six good achievers at the seventh grade of SMP N 4 Surakarta. This research used the open ended questionnaire and in-depth interview to collect the data. To analyze the data, the researcher used some techiques i.e. data reduction, data display, drawing conclusion and verification. The results of this study designated that almost all strategies by O’Malley were used by the subjects. Furthermore, metacognitive strategy is the most frequently used by the good achevers. It showed that good achievers tend to use various strategies when learning

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