Antropogeniczne zmiany rzeźby terenu wschodniej części Wyżyny Śląskiej


An examination of the antropogenization of the land morphological surface covered the eastern part of the Silesian Upland. The region, characterized by a typically structural relief, was subjected to an analysis of the antropogenical forms against the background of a natural landscape. The photointerpretation of aerial material served as a fundamental mapping method, applied to antropogenical forms, as well as a methodi of the natural (primary) morphological surface mapping and its reproducing. Panchromatic photographs taken on the 27th August, 1973 in the scale of 1 :20.500 were used. Thorough interpretation of these photographs provided possibilities to draw up a detailed map of antropogenical relief in 1 : 25.000 scale and to make a geomorphological sketch of natural relief in the same scale, both covering an area of about 260 square km. These mappings were used as a basis for the comparative spatial analysis of the land of both types; the field network of 1 square km fundamental area was applied. The comparative action showed the interrelation between the occurence of depressed land forms, brought about by a man, and those structural by their nature. Elevations built of carbonate rocks appeared to be more resistant to relief changes caused by a man. It would suggest that human actions in landscape cycle despite of powerful technical aid, are subjected to primary lithological and geomorphological conditions. This assumption has been confirmed by observations made at the entire Silesian Upland. It was found out that main excavation sites corresponded to structural depressions and major agglomerations of antropogenical landforms were clustered in these depressions. This observation provides ground for further examination of the structural nature of antropogenical relief. Estimation of the excavation volume, made on the base of aerial imagery and completed with data obtained form Mining Ministry allowed to define the intensity of earth material removal from the Czarna Przemsza catchment. Propositional index of the mechanical antropogenical denundation was calculated, and it reached 17.000 cubic m/square km per 1 year. It proves that in the eastern part of the Silesian Upland antropogenical landscape cycle is still in progress

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