Excessive gingival display treated with two-piece segmental Le Fort I osteotomy : A Case Report


Background. The demand for orthognathic surgery has increased worldwide. Women with jaw deformity tend to have a worse quality of life than men owing to the deformity’s negative effects on body image, low self-esteem, lack of self-confidence, and dissatisfaction with life. Therefore, they wish for more reliable treatment options. Case Description. A woman aged 25 years and 9 months sought treatment for a convex profile and excessive gingival display caused by a skeletal Class II jaw-base relationship. Gingival exposure was up to 6.5 millimeters at full smile. She chose orthognathic surgery, and the authors performed a 2-piece segmental Le Fort I osteotomy and bilateral sagittal split ramus osteotomy. After active orthodontic treatment, the protrusive profile was improved, and an acceptable occlusion and an attractive smile were achieved. Practical Implications. It is hoped that 2-piece segmental Le Fort I osteotomy becomes a common treatment option for patients with protrusive profiles and excessive gingival displays

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