Construction of Occupational Status Scales for the Analysis of Data from the Survey on Time Use and Leisure Activities


The Survey on Time Use and Leisure Activities (STULA) asks questions about socio-cultural activities, daily routines, daily schedules, and health-related outcomes, as well as educational attainment, income, and occupation. In particular, a relatively detailed category is used for occupations, to the point that an occupational classifi cation and occupational status scale can be developed based on it. For this reason, developing occupational status scales to be utilized for the analysis of data from the STULA will be useful when conducting future sociological analyses. The objective of this study was to construct occupational status scales to be used in the STULA. By using data from the Employment Status Survey conducted in 2007 and 2012, this study developed the socio-economic index (SEI) and social status index (SSI) of 53 occupations covered in the STULA.特集 公的統計を利用した就業と生活行動の二次分

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