Follow-up of Osteochondral LFC Injury


Chondral and osteochondral injuries of the femoral condyle are rare, and relatively few cases have been reported. Therefore, the mechanism, treatment, and findings on follow-up of these injuries are not well described. Here, we report the case of an adolescent basketball player who sustained a sports-related traumatic osteochondral injury of the lateral femoral condyle. He was treated with open reduction and internal fixation with the pull-out suture technique. Two years later, he was able to resume sporting activities at his pre-injury level with no symptoms. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) confirmed survival of the fixed osteochondral fragment and restoration of the congruity of the articular cartilage with no sign of delamination. This report describes the clinical outcome of this osteochondral injury of the lateral femoral condyle as seen on MRI at the 2-year follow-up and discuss the mechanism and treatment of this injury

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