
n the framework of the BMBF funded project on Integrated Water Resources Management in Central Asia (Model region Mongolia, MOMO project, www.iwrm-momo.de) the objectives focused on supplementing, validating and extending the existing surveillance monitoring to the entire river basin for the time series 2006-2017. The MOMO monitoring programme was set up in order to observe seasonal variation in various water quality parameters along the main river course and its tributaries. A detailed sampling survey was carried out along the Kharaa River in the spring, summer and autumn of 2006 to 2017, extending from the headwaters in the Khentii Mountains to the outlet of the river basin. An additional continuous monthly monitoring programme for surface water quality was carried out upstream (Deed Guur) and downstream of Darkhan city (Buren Tolgoi) including the outlet of WWTP Darkhan in the time between 2007 and 2017. This strategy provides information for the efficient and effective design of future monitoring programmes with a focus on operational or investigative issues. The types of water sampling programmes included initial surveys as well as investigative and operational monitoring, point-source characterization, intensive surveys, fixed-station-network monitoring, groundwater monitoring, and special surveys involving chemical and biological monitoring. The water analyses have a focus on nutrients, heavy metals and metalloids, chloride, boron and the main physical water parameters. The dataset comprises also fluvial sediment analyses on heavy metals. In addition in 2017 a special hygienic monitoring (total coliforms, E. coli and fecal coliforms) has been carried out and was included in this database

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