Need and Know-How: The Perfect Partnership in Creating Tools for Distance Students


Impossible Mission: In two hours educate twenty doctoral students - distance students that will not be seen on campus again - on everything they need to know about the library and the technological skills needed to access all the resources they will require. The Response: A partnership formed between need (the subject librarian) and know-how (the instruction librarian) to create a tool that can be used to create a sense of library and librarian for a distance learner, and inform the student of the ways and means of connecting to the resources and people and, ultimately, the information and resources they need. The Result: A CD sent home with each student that consists of information and promotion, tutorial and advertisement, and guidance and marketing. Learning Outcomes: Learn how a needs analysis effects the outcome of the product. Participate in a discussion concerning the future of such products and capabilities of this type of information sharing

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