Alachlor Movement Through Intact Soil Columns Taken From Two Tillage Systems


Intact soil columns were evaluated as a screening technique to determine the effect of tillage on herbicide movement through soil. Alachlor was applied at 3.3 kg ai ha-1 to intact surface 0- to 10-cm and subsurface 10- to 20-cm soil columns (15-cm diam) taken from long-term no-till and conventional tillage plots and leached with 11.6 pore volumes (7 L; 39 cm) of water at a rate that did not create ponding. Leachate was collected in 0.07 pore volume fractions. Twice as much alachlor leached from surface no-till than from surface conventional tillage columns. The differences in leaching patterns from the surface soil can be attributed to the effect of tillage on soil physical and chemical properties. Using intact soil columns in the laboratory can be a useful rapid screening technique to evaluate tillage impacts on herbicide movement

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