Sickness absence of workers in a steel and iron industry


/석사[한글] 우리나라의 산업이 급격히 성장하고 있는 현실에서 노동력이 크게 부족되고 있다. 본 연구는 한 제철 공장을 대상으로 결근 및 유병 결근에 관하여 결근율, 결근원인 등을 조사하였다. 조사내용은 International Association on Occupational Health의 권고를 따랐 다. 1,822명의 근로자가 본 조사에 응하였으며 설문지와 면접 조사를 병행하였다. 조사기간은 1978년 7월 24일부터 5일간이었고 1978년 7월 1일부터 결근양상이 조사되었다. 근로자의 평균 연령은 34.4세, 근무 기간은 6.5년이었고 54.1%가 생산직에 근무하고 있었다. 생산직의 근로자는 일당제에 의한 임금을 받고 있으며 근무는 전일제로써 1일 8시간씩 3부 교대를 하고 있었다. 조사결과는 다음과 같다. 근로자의 16.8%는 7월 1일부터 조사일까지 결근한 경험이 있으며 결근 회수율은 3.24, 결근 기간율은 4.65, 결근 인수율은 245.20, 노동 손실율은 1.27이었다. 결근율은 남자 근로자, 20∼39세 연령군, 근무기간 15년 미만 근로자군, 생산 부서에서 모두 높았으며 음주 회수가 많을수록 높은 경향을 보이고 있었고 그 차이는 모두 분산 분석을 통하여 유의하게 검증되었다(p<0.05). 결근자의 41.0%에 해당되는 근조자는 같은 기간 동안에 유병 결근을 경험하고 있으며 유병 결근 회수율은 1.34, 유병 결근 기간율은 2.29, 유병 결근 인수율은 101.06, 유병 노동 손실은 0.63이었다. 유병 결근율은 남자 근로자군, 25∼34세 연령군, 근무기간 15년 미만 근로자군, 생산 부서에서 높았으며 음주 회수가 많을수록 높았다. 이 차이는 분산 분석을 통하여 유의한 것으로 검증되었다(p<0.05). 유병 결근의 원인으로써 피곤을 포함한 전신 증상이 50.8%, 소화기계 증상이 13.8%를 차지하였다. 유병 결근회수와 관계있는 변수를 발견하고자 단계적 중회귀 분석을 하였는데 음주 회수, 흡연량, 노동 강도, 음주량 등과 관계가 깊었고 위의 4개 변수에 의한 multiple R은 0.320, 설명 정도는 10.3%이었다. 이상의 결과로 보아 생산직에 근무하는 20∼34세의 남자 근로자 중 음주 회수가 많은 근로자군에서 유병 결근율이 높으며 피곤을 동반한 전신 증상이 주원인이었다. 따라서 이들에 대한 대책이 수립되어질 수 있도록 앞으로의 연구가 기대된다. Sickness Absence of Workers in a Steel and Iron Industry Ho Keun Chung Graduate School of Health Science and Management, Yonsei University (Directed by Assoc. Prof. Young Hahn Moon, M.D., D.M.Sc.) In a situation of growing the industry, there is a great shortage of labour power in Korea. The researcher intended to investigate the rate of absenteeism and other related statistics among the workers in a steel and iron industry with the criteria and the recommendation of the International Association on Occupational Health. With the well designed questionaire and interview, 1,882 workers were surveyed from July the 24th to the 28th, 1978. The mean age of the workers was 34.5 in years, the average duration of employment was 6.5 years, and 54.1% of total samples worked at the production part of the industry, their wages were paid daily and worked in three shifts. The results were as follows; The workers who experienced absence were 16.8%. The rate of frequency (spells) was 3.24, the duration was 4.65, the frequency (persons) was 345.20, and the lost time was 1.27. The rates of absenteeism showed higher among the group of 20-39 years of age, of duration of employment less than 15 years, of workers in production part and of frequent drinkers (3-4 times a week or more) with the statistical significance (p<0.05). 41.0% among the absentee experienced sickness absences, and the rates of sickness absence were as follow; the frequency (spells) was 1.34, the duration was 2.29, the frequency(persons) was 101.06 and the lost time was 0.63, respectively. The above rates showed higher among the group of age 25-34, of the duration of employment less than 15 years, of workers in the production part and of frequent drinkers, with the statistical significance(p<0.05). The main causes of sickness absence were general symptoms, such as fatigue (50.8%) and gastro-intestinal symptoms (13.8%). The frequency of sickness was highly correlated to the frequncy of drinking, the amount of smoking, the physical work-load and the amount of drinking, which was analysed by the stepwize multiple regression analysis. the multiple R due to the above mentioned four variables was 0.320 and the R square was 10.3%. In conclusion, the rate of sickness absence was higher in the group of workers in the production part aged 20-34, of frequent drinkers, and the main cause of sickness absence was general symptoms. On the above points of view, more detailed studies in the field of management and services should be done in future for the progress of occupational health in Korea. [영문] In a situation of growing the industry, there is a great shortage of labour power in Korea. The researcher intended to investigate the rate of absenteeism and other related statistics among the workers in a steel and iron industry with the criteria and the recommendation of the International Association on Occupational Health. With the well designed questionaire and interview, 1,882 workers were surveyed from July the 24th to the 28th, 1978. The mean age of the workers was 34.5 in years, the average duration of employment was 6.5 years, and 54.1% of total samples worked at the production part of the industry, their wages were paid daily and worked in three shifts. The results were as follows; The workers who experienced absence were 16.8%. The rate of frequency (spells) was 3.24, the duration was 4.65, the frequency (persons) was 345.20, and the lost time was 1.27. The rates of absenteeism showed higher among the group of 20-39 years of age, of duration of employment less than 15 years, of workers in production part and of frequent drinkers (3-4 times a week or more) with the statistical significance (p<0.05). 41.0% among the absentee experienced sickness absences, and the rates of sickness absence were as follow; the frequency (spells) was 1.34, the duration was 2.29, the frequency(persons) was 101.06 and the lost time was 0.63, respectively. The above rates showed higher among the group of age 25-34, of the duration of employment less than 15 years, of workers in the production part and of frequent drinkers, with the statistical significance(p<0.05). The main causes of sickness absence were general symptoms, such as fatigue (50.8%) and gastro-intestinal symptoms (13.8%). The frequency of sickness was highly correlated to the frequncy of drinking, the amount of smoking, the physical work-load and the amount of drinking, which was analysed by the stepwize multiple regression analysis. the multiple R due to the above mentioned four variables was 0.320 and the R square was 10.3%. In conclusion, the rate of sickness absence was higher in the group of workers in the production part aged 20-34, of frequent drinkers, and the main cause of sickness absence was general symptoms. On the above points of view, more detailed studies in the field of management and services should be done in future for the progress of occupational health in Korea.restrictio

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