Cost-effectiveness analysis of low sulfur oil application for the air pollution abatement


환경관리학과/석사[한글] 産業과  濟의 高度成長에 따른 産業體와 自動車等의 化石燃料使用增加와 더불어 最近 우리나라 主要都市의 大氣汚染度는 대부분 法的環境基準値를 넘어서 있다. 이에 環境과 大氣汚染에 關聯된 最近의 各種資料를 蒐集分析하여 우리나라에서 가장 效果的이고 實效性있는 大氣汚染防止對策으로 低流黃油對策이 實行되어질 경우 果와 費用에 關해 硏究해 본 結果는 다음과 같다. 1. 現在의 狀態로 全國에서 使用하는 輕油 및 B-C油의 硫黃含流量을 各各 60%씩 減少시킨 低硫黃油로 全量代替하여 供給할 경우 全國의 亞黃酸가스排出量은 約485, 서울市의 亞黃酸가스 排出量은 約40%가 減少하게 될 것으로 推計된다. 2. 서울市에서 前述한 低硫黃油對策을 實行할 경우 80年度의 年平均 亞黃酸가스汚染度였던 0.094ppm은 0.056ppm까지 減少시킬 수 있을 것으로 推計된다. 따라서 法的環境基準値를 推持하기 爲해서는 石炭使用量의 50%를 低硫黃輕油로 代替해야 할 것으로 推計된다. 3. 低硫黃油對策을 實行할 경우 每年 費用增加總額은 83年에 1,425.1億원, 84年에 1,423.9億원, 85年에 1,136億원, 86年에 1,396.9億원이 될 것으로 推算되었다. 特히, 우리나라 亞黃酸가스 全倍出量의 75%가 B-C油로부터 排出되어온 것으로 나타나, 現在 使用되고 있는 高硫黃B-C油의 低硫黃化는 더욱이 시급한 실정이라 하겠다. [영문] Recently, the air pollution in the main cities in Korea is over the legal envitonmental criteria,Especially sulfur dioxide pollution is serious because of growing usage of fossil fuel. About the low sulfur oil usage policy in Korea, the cost effectiveness analysis were performed with the various recent data related to air pollution. The results were as follows. 1. Low sulfur Bunker-C oil (1.6%S), and Light oil (0.4%S) are used instead of light oil (1.0%S) and Bunker-C oil (4.0%S), to reduce sulfur dioxide exhaust in Seoul and whole country at a rate of 40% and 48% respectively. 2. The low sulfur oil application would be conducted in Seoul, the Seoul ambient concentration of SO^^2 in 1980 would be 0.056ppm from 0.094ppm. To maintain an air quality standard of SO^^2 concentration in Seoul city, 25% of coal consumption has to be substituted for city gas or Liquified Natural Gas, or 50% of coal has to be substituted for low sulfur oil. 3. By the low sulfur oil application the annual amounts of cost would be estinated to increase 142.51 billion won in 1983, 142.39 billion won in 1984, 113.6 billion won in 1985, and 139.69 billion won in 1986. Since 75% of total sulfur dioxide exhaust in Korea from high sulfur B-C oil, it is required that convert policy to low sulfur B-C oil urgently.restrictio

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