Enhancement of Evoked Potential Waveform using Delay-compensated Wiener Filtering


In this paper, the evoked potential(EP) was represented by additive delay model to comply with the variational noisy response of stimulus-event synchronization. The hybrid method of delay compensated-Wiener filtered-ensemble averaging(DWEA) was proposed to enhance the EP signal distortion occurred during averaging procedure due to synchronization timing mismatch. The performance of DWEA has been tested by surrogated simulation, which is composed of synthesized arbitrary delay and arbitrary level of added noise. The performance of DWEA is better than those of Wiener filtered-ensemble averaging and of conventional ensemble averaging. DWEA is endurable up to added noise gain of 7 for 10 % mean square error limit. Throughout the experimentation observation, it has been demonstrated that DWEA can be applied to enhance the evoked potential having the synchronization mismatch with added noise.ope

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