Safety of rituximab in rheumatoid arthritis


La artrite reumatoide \ue8 una malattia cronica che predispone alla comparsa di complicanze rappresentate da malattie infettive, neoplasie e malattie cardiovascolari. Il rischio \ue8 aumentato dalla necessit\ue0 di assumere a lungo farmaci immunomodultori, quali ad esempio i farmaci biotecnologici. La sicurezza del rituximab \ue8 stata valutata in un periodo di tempo medio (non superiore ai 10 anni) e i dati disponibili sono rassicuranti. Nei trials clinici condotti sia in pazienti gi\ue0 trattati (con antagonisti del TNF e/o con methotrexate) sia in pazienti naive \ue8 emerso che il rituximab \ue8 tollerato anche dopo diversi cicli di terapia. La percentuale totale di eventi avversi \ue8 infatti rimasta stabile nei vari cicli. L\u2019evento avverso pi\uf9 frequente era rappresentato dalla comparsa di reazioni infusionali. La percentuale di infezioni serie non aumentava dopo diversi cicli. I dati ottenuti da esperienze condotte nella vita quotidiana confermano il buon profilo di tollerabilit\ue0.Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic disease that requires long-term administration of immunomodulatory drugs with a greater risk of side effects like malignancies, serious infections and cardiovascular diseases. Furthermore, patients with RA are more prone than the general population to these manifestations. Safety of rituximab has been evaluated in the short-term (6 months) and in the medium-term (up to 10 years) in patients who had been previously treated with antagonists of tumor necrosis factor (a-TNF) and/or with methotrexate (MTX) and in patients who were not. Data obtained from clinical trials demonstrated that rituximab is well tolerated either after a single course or after multiple courses. The overall rate of adverse events (AEs) was stable after the first three courses. The most frequent adverse event was infusion-related reactions (IRR). Serious infections did not increase after multiple courses. Data from "real life" confirm that treatment with rituximab is well tolerated

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