
Further redshifts of 1-Jy radio sources


We have firm redshifts for a further 12 faint radio source identifications from the ‘1-Jy’ complete radio-selected sample, two of which are galaxies with redshifts z > 1.5. Another object has a provisional redshift that requires confirmation. Five of these identifications had previously been classified as QSOs on the basis of their optical morphology. Our spectroscopy shows that of these, one is definitely a galaxy and two have characteristics intermediate between those of ‘normal’ radio galaxies and those of ‘normal’ quasars, for instance broad Balmer emission but an extended optical image. Two of the eight identifications previously classified as galaxies have similar ‘intermediate’ properties. The remaining identifications have low-excitation narrow emission-line systems of the type seen in other 1-Jy radio sources by Allington-Smith et al. We confirm that the 1-Jy emission lines are a factor 2 weaker than those of 3C galaxies in the same redshift interval

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