Employer Reports of Skills Gaps in the Workforce


Skills gaps in the workforce are a common conversation in the current value proposition of higher education. Colleges are expected to help students prepare for a world-class workforce while maintaining the integrity of the academic mission. Employers have similar but different opinions on the preparation of college graduates. This exploratory study took an in-depth look at the perceptions of sixteen employers in a region of the Midwest on questions about the perception of hiring managers about the skills gap in the workforce. Questions focused on work readiness, common challenges, and opportunities that exist to combat these hiring challenges. The themes that emerged from the study provide a foundation for future research with employers and conversations on skills gap in addition to providing guidance to colleges. Five themes emerged from the study: corporate strategy, role of the university, experience, applicant skills, and career management. Recommendations include developing formal relationships between the employer and the university, supporting lifelong learning for new hires, hiring based on the potential for learning and offering more internships. The participants presented ideas and suggestions for best practices and noted how to best connect students to opportunities. Advisor: Marilyn Grad

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