Relationship among aboveground biomass, leaf area and soil types in Eucalyptus grandis plantations from NE Entre Ríos, Argentina


El objetivo de este trabajo consistió en constatar si existen diferencias en la biomasa aérea y área foliar y, consecuentemente, en la producción y el rendimiento de la masa de madera de plantaciones de Eucalyptus grandis ubicadas en los tres tipos de suelos con aptitud forestal de Concordia (31° 23' S; 58° 02' W). El estudio se realizó en tres rodales experimentales de 0,207 ha con E. grandis de procedencia sudafricana y 14 años de edad, con un distanciamiento original de 3 x 3m, localizados, respectivamente, sobre suelos Quartzipsamment Oxico (localmente arenoso), Haplumbrept Fluvéntico (localmente mestizo) y Argiacuol Vértico (localmente arcilloso). En cada rodal se determinaron los parámetros estructurales densidad, área basal y volumen . Se apearon 22 árboles en el rango diamétrico y de altura presentes en los rodales; y se les midió el peso fresco y seco de los compartimientos fuste > 5cm de diámetro, ramas 1cm de diámetro, ramas pequeñas 5 cm diameter, branches 1cm diameter, small branches < 1cm diameter, twigs, leaves and fruits. Dimensional analysis procedures were applied. Biomass (total and by compartment) for each plot was calculated using the regression equations obtained and DBH-height measures of all trees in the plot. The Leaf Area Index (LAI) of each plot was obtained multiplying it specific leaf area (SLA) and leaf biomass. To calculate SLA, 15 groups of 20 leaves of each plot were measured with an optical planimeter and dried to constant weight. A unique model for each tree compartment dry weight estimation was used because there were not significant differences among site models. Significant stand structural differences were observed. The mestizo site showed trees with diameters 20-10 % and height 35-29% more length, 31-33% more basal area and 73% higher volume and Mean Annual Increment (MAI) than the arenoso and arcilloso sites, respectively. The LAI was also higher in the mestizo site. In mestizo site stem biomass and MAI were 351 Mg.ha-1 and 25 Mg.ha-1.yr-1, respectively, and the LAI attained 4.5. For the arenoso and arcilloso sites the correspondent stem biomass, MAI and LAI were, respectively, 200-201 Mg.ha-1, 14-13 Mg.ha-1.yr-1 and 3.3-3.0. We conclude that wood mass and volume yield are strongly influenced by the soil type because texture is probably limiting water availability in both textural soil extremes. Differences in MAI indicate that maximum sustained yield differ among sites. E. grandis  wood mass yields in NE Entre Ríos are similar to the higher figures reported for sites in the southern hemisphere.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

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