Relationships between daily, morning, evening and peak yield and persistency in Turkish Saanen goats


A matrix of persistency values is given instead of one value of persistency or persistency values based on succeeding test days. Overall, the persistency matrix of morning milk had higher values than the persistency matrix of evening milk. As the distance between the test days increased, the correlations dramatically decreased. The effects of morning milk yield b = 0.23 (P < 0.01) on standard deviation of morning and evening milk yield and on peak the milk yield was higher com-pared to the evening daily milk yield b = 0.03 (P = 0.05) and the total daily milk yield 0.10 (P < 0.01). Increased persistency means that the lactation curve may be flatter. Since the peak value of morning milk (1597 mL) was lower than evening milk (1799 mL), and morning milk was more persistent than evening milk, morning milk can be said to contribute more to the flatness of the lactation curve. Overall, the morning milk volume (938 mL) was larger than the evening milk volume (835 mL). A 3D plot of peak milk versus morning and evening milk yield indicated that increasing the evening milk yield increases the peak yield while the morning milk yield holds the peak value lower and the curve stable

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