Alternative energy as a tool for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in Russia


Nowadays, the level of development of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Russia lags behind that of the states with advanced economy. Problems with connection to the power supply attributed to prohibitive costs and time-consuming procedures can be distinguished among many other reasons. The aim of this paper is to consider feasibility of applying alternative energy sources to the needs of small and medium-sized enterprises through the study of the Sverdlovsk Region. While analyzing local energy sources of the region with due regard to its geographic and climatic peculiarities, we have identified the most promising sources of energy that require state support for their efficient use. Estimation of economic efficiency of the implemented project of alternative energy supply at a small enterprise proves feasibility of using a stand-alone solar panel based energy supply system. © 2018 Institute of Physics Publishing. All rights reserved.Calculations of capital investments for installation of this system is given in Table 3. Funding of the project was carried out by the enterprise itself

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