Is the resolution style ‘exiting statements’ in parent-adolescent conflicts related to adolescent internalizing and externalizing problem behavior?


This study examined the association between the adolescents' conflict resolution style‘exitingstatements' (i.e., the expression of the adolescent' desire to minimize or end the contact withhis or her parents) in parent–adolescent conflicts with self-rated adolescent GAD symptomsand delinquency symptoms of 1313 adolescents. A multi-group, structural equation model wasemployed to analyze the relationship between the constructs for four age–sex groups. Resultsdemonstrated that age and sex moderated the relationship between exiting statements, GADand delinquency. For late adolescent females, perceived difficulties in solving conflicts inhorizontal parent–adolescent relationships were significantly related to self-rated GADsymptoms. It is discussed how the Multimodal Treatment Approach could be applied forfamily conflict resolution. For early adolescent males, perceived problems in solving parent–adolescent conflicts were strongly related to self-rated delinquency symptoms. Thesefindingsare discussed in light of Parent Management Training that focuses on the conflict resolutionstyles of family members

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