Scaling of the magnetoresistance of UBe13 under pressure


We report magnetoresistance measurements of the heavy electron compound UBe above the superconducting transition temperature T and below 4 K for pressures P up to 19 kbar and for magnetic fields H up to 9 T. We observe strong negative magnetoresistance at all pressures and temperatures. The resistivity ρ is quadratic in temperature T from T up to a maximum temperature of 1 K at 1 bar increasing to 2 K at 19 kbar. The slope of the T term decreases with both H and with P. We find that δ(H)≡-[ρ(H)-ρ(0)]/ρ(0) for a given pressure scales as a function of H/T and exhibits power-law behavior over one decade with an exponent of 1.7. In addition, δ(H) at high pressure shows this same power law over a more limited H/T range. 13 c c

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