
Spectral and scattering theory of charged P(φ)2P(\varphi)_2 models


We consider in this paper space-cutoff charged P(φ)2P(\varphi)_{2} models arising from the quantization of the non-linear charged Klein-Gordon equation: (\p_{t}+\i V(x))^{2}\phi(t, x)+ (-\Delta_{x}+ m^{2})\phi(t,x)+ g(x)\p_{\overline{z}}P(\phi(t,x), \overline{\phi}(t,x))=0, where V(x)V(x) is an electrostatic potential, g(x)0g(x)\geq 0 a space-cutoff and P(λ,λ)P(\lambda, \overline{\lambda}) a real bounded below polynomial. We discuss various ways to quantize this equation, starting from different CCR representations. After describing the construction of the interacting Hamiltonian HH we study its spectral and scattering theory. We describe the essential spectrum of HH, prove the existence of asymptotic fields and of wave operators, and finally prove the {\em asymptotic completeness} of wave operators. These results are similar to the case when V=0

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    Last time updated on 03/01/2020