
Restoration Manual for Annual Grassland Systems in California


Widespread development and massive degradation are quickly eroding the persistence and health of annual grassland systems. This guide was developed to give practitioners of any experience level an overview of considerations for grassland restoration design and application that will be right for their situation. Here you’ll find ways to effectively improve grassland conditions in monetarily and logistically feasible ways. This publication focuses on restoration species choice, because species identity can be the dominant driver of achieving a restoration goal—included is an extensive appendix matching geographic area and soil type to appropriate species for consideration. The techniques presented are the result of years of experience from research scientists and non-academic practitioners and synthesizes published and unpublished data in one handy source. Sections include: Identifying Restoration Goals and Desired Outcomes: Biodiversity Pollinator Habitat Wildlife Habitat Erosion Control Forage for Grazing Animals Carbon Storage/Nutrient Cycling Pre-Vegetation Techniques Plant Materials Revegetation Techniques Discussion of 83 species with brief description of pros and cons Extensive reference

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