
The life course design for transitional labour market research


This paper draws on research that documents the work, financial and personal benefits, and skill trajectories of trade and bachelor graduates' for the 10 years after completion of their initial education. The primary aim of the project is to better understand how people draw on their initial education and training. We suggest that while there is some value in using quantitative methods, one of our key objectives has been to develop a qualitative or interpretive research design that allows a better understanding why and how workers seek the employment they do, why they pursue promotion or acquire additional skills and why they change their occupational careers. We argue in this paper that use of an interpretive approach provides rich in-depth data that can be used to follow the decision-making steps taken by people as they proceed through their working lives. In this paper, we consider the benefits methodologically and conceptually of adopting what is referred to as a life-course research design

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