Quantum Many-Body Calculation of Mixed-Parity Pairing in the Sr2RuO4 Superconductor Induced by Spin-Orbit Coupling


The unusual superconducting state in Sr2RuO4 has long been viewed as being analogous to a superfluid state in liquid 3He. Nevertheless, calculations based on this odd-parity state are presently unable to completely reconcile the properties of Sr2RuO4. Using a self-consistent quantum many-body scheme that employs realistic parameters, we are able to model several signature properties of the normal and superconducting states of Sr2RuO4. We find that the dominant component of the model superconducting state is of even parity and closely related to superconducting state for the high-Tc cuprates although a smaller odd-parity component is induced by spin-orbit coupling. This mixed pairing state gives a more complete representation of the complex phenomena measured in Sr2RuO4

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