Study of Training Programs Designed for Teachers Providing Education in a Globalizing Society : The Development and Delivery of Lessons Based on Principles of Inclusive Teaching of Special Support Class Teachers and Normal Curriculum Teachers


本研究では,教育のグローバル化や共生社会の実現に向け,児童の個別教育ニーズに対応するための教員研修に着目し,教員間の共生関係や教師の力量形成につながる研修を実施した。研究の2年目にあたり,インクルーシブ教育研修を校内研修に位置づけ,その第1段階として異学級編成の集団における授業を実施した。その結果,特別支援学級と通常学級の教員の連携によって互いの専門性を生かし合いながら授業を行い,それぞれの児童実態の把握の仕方・捉え方の違いを検討すること,教科の指導については,学習したことを次の学習に生かしたり,生活に反映させたりするための視点について検討することを通して,成果と課題を得ることができた。This study investigated training programs designed to correspond to the demands of individual tutoring needs and the delivery of training programs. We aimed to enable teachers to develop stronger teaching skills as well as socializing ability with other teachers. In the second year, we set an inclusive educating training program as a staff training. At the first stage, teachers taught a class in a group of the different class organization. By teaching a class in which special support class teachers and normal curriculum teachers cooperated, emphasizing their ability and skills in their field, strong results and future tasks were clarified. The study examined how children are observed and recognized by each of the teaching parties, how children apply the method of learning obtained from one subject of study to another, and how children adapted the learned matter into real life situations

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