A study of training programs designed for teachers who provide education in a globalizing society : Lesson development and delivery based on the principles of inclusive teaching


本研究では,教育のグローバル化や共生社会の実現に向け,教育現場における子どもたちの個別教育ニーズに対応するための教員研修に着目し,教員間の共生関係や教師の力量形成につながる研修方法について検討した。その結果,特別支援学級と通常学級の教員の連携によって互いの専門性を生かし力量を高められる授業開発研修のモデルを明示できた。また,授業開発方法を類型化し,その一部を個別に実施できた。今後は,他の授業開発方法の類型も実施し,構築した研修課程に沿った系統的な研修を行い,研修課程モデルの吟味・検討を続けていく。This study focused on teacher training methods aimed at developing the teaching and socializing skills of teachers. It also examined teachers’ ability to meet the challenges of one-on-one teaching in global education and to adapt to a multicultural society. Consequently, a prototype model of training system, which encouraged the advancement of skills via cooperation of teachers from special support classes and compulsory educational institutions, was developed with the aim of allowing the teachers to learn about each other’s specialties. In addition, the structuring procedure for the teachers’ classes was systematized, and tutoring classes were conducted on an experimental basis with individuals. In future, the aim is to classify and systematize more classes in line with teaching methodologies and teacher-training goals as well as to develop successful teaching models

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