Use of Automated Machine Guidance within the Transportation Industry


Automated machine guidance (AMG) links sophisticated design software with construction equipment to direct the operations of construction machinery with a high level of precision, and improve the speed and accuracy of the construction process. AMG technology has the potential to improve the overall quality, safety, and efficiency of transportation project construction. This research project was undertaken to study AMG implementation barriers and develop strategies for effective implementation of AMG technology in construction operations. Early in the research effort, an expert contact group was established to obtain perspectives from agencies, contractors, designers, and equipment manufacturers. An AMG workshop was conducted to develop a list of capabilities that must exist and obstacles that must be overcome to facilitate seamless electronic data transfer—from the initial surveying, to the development of digital terrain models (DTMs), through design and construction, to final inspection and verification. The synthesis from the workshop helped provide a framework and content for completing the research. Summarized here are some of the key findings from this research project.

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