The 4-Nitro-5-Methyl-2-Sulphobenzoic Acid and Some of Its Derivatives


The 4-nitro-5-methyl-2-sulphobenzoic acid has been investigated to a limited extent as one of the products formed when the 6-nitro-1, 3-dimethyl-4-sulphonic acid is oxidized by potassium permanganate in dilute alkaline solution. Previous to this research, the only record of its preparation was by Limpricht, in which case only a small amount of the neutral potassium salt was isolated. He gives this as occurring with one-half a molecule of water of crystallization, but does not state which of the two methyl groups of the original acid had been oxidized. The neutral potassium salt does not seem to contain any water of crystallization, however, and some doubt is cast upon the value of the observation as made by him

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