Adiabatic Compressibility of Electrolytic Solutions and the X-Ray Diffraction Intensity Distributions


A study of the adiabatic compressibility and the X-ray diffraction intensity distributions of twenty-six strong electrolytes shows a correlation to the following extent. If one compares the rate of change of adiabatic compressibility per mole with the rate of change of the minor X-ray diffraction peak per mole in two thirds of the twenty-six samples these values increase in magnitude together. If one plots the values of the former, changing from one to eight times, and of the latter varying sixty times, the points are included within an angle of about 35° (with one exception). This approximate correspondence adds credence to the view-obtained on other grounds, that the water structure alters by the breaking of H bonds and that this is the chief cause of the variations in the adiabatic compressibility

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