Seasonal Variation in Weight-Length Relationships of Largemouth Bass in a 3-Hectare Reservoir


Lengths and weights of age 0, I, and II largemouth bass were collected during two growing seasons to evaluate seasonal trends in weight-length relationships. Average K(TL) declined significantly between August 1971 and April 1972, but significant growth in length occurred during the interval. In 1972, K(TL) increased from April to July and remained high into November. Condition was better in 1972 than in 1971 when the population density was greater. Monthly estimates of the coefficient of condition, K(TL), and weight-length regressions were both required to interpret seasonal changes. Weight-length regressions calculated over longer collection periods in which K(TL) changed significantly generally did not represent the populations. Average K(TL) provided meaningful comparisons of condition only when monthly weight-length regressions indicated isometric growth

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