Soybean Canopy Gap Influence on Velvetleaf Seed Production


Gaps in the soybean row provide locations for velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti) plant growth. Gap width, and velvetleaf plant location within the gap, were investigated for effect on seed production. There was no significant difference in velvetleaf capsule production between plants that grew either centered in a gap or at the western end of a gap in east-west oriented soybean rows. Also, there was no difference in plant survival, emergence through the soybean canopy, flowering, locule number per capsule, or average seed weight of velvetleaf based on gap width. However, there was a difference in capsule production based on gap width. In 1999, seed capsule production increased from approximately 35 capsules plant-1 at 0 cm gap width to 140 capsules plant-1 in the 90 cm gap. In 2000, seed capsule production increased from approximately 9 capsules plant-1 at 0 cm gap width to 98 capsules plant-1 in the 90 cm gap. Seed production ranged from an estimate of 300 to 5900 seeds plant-1. As gap width in the soybean row increases, it becomes more important to monitor and control velvetleaf growth. It is even possible, however, to have significant velvetleaf seed production from plants that emerge in a 30 cm gap in the row

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